Help Students Transition Back To School With YouTube

How to use YouTube to Make Student Transition Back to School Easier

Many students across the country are returning to school after being at home for a long period of time. Although, students, parents, and teachers are looking forward to getting back to some sense of normalic at school.  Change is always stressful, even good change. 

The pandemic has had different effects on all of us, especially young people. Students may have anxiety about things that may not have been a big deal in the past, such as basic navigation of the building, rules, and routines.  Giving students access to video content that may address some of their concerns can help reduce stress and anxiety about returning to school. 

Below are three tips on how to search for safe content on the video sharing platform YouTube, along with four ways to use YouTube to find excellent content made to support your students.

How to search YouTube for safe content sharing:

  1. Consider the key words for the topic you are searching and include them in your search. If you do not find what you are looking for on your first search think about changing the order of the search words.
  1. Once you have found a video you like make sure to watch it in its entirety to make sure it is appropriate for students.
  1. Click on the author of the video and make sure their other content is appropriate for students. Students may want to watch other videos by the author if they enjoy the video you have shared.

Here are FOUR AREAS you can use video to help students transition back to in-person school. 

I have included MY TOP PICKS to make your life easier.

  1. Middle and upper grade students may need a refresher on how to open the combination lock on their locker. Not remembering their locker combination can be a big point of stress for students the first few days back to school. Post a video link to a basic locker combination tutorial on your class page or platform so students can access the video on their phone or iPad while they are at their locker. Here is the YouTube video I am using: How to Open Your Locker.
  1. Students may be anxious about riding the bus. Having a video that students and parents can watch before coming to school can be helpful to ease their anxiety.  Here is a video put out by the CDC about bus safety, but there are many online so choose the one that fits your school’s expectations best.

Don’t Assume What Students Know…

  1. Students may need to be reminded on how to wear their mask, if your school is still implementing this policy.  We can’t assume that students who have not been in school know how to wear them properly.  There are several videos online on how to wear and adjust your mask to fit properly that you can make available to students. Here are two Youtube videos to choose from: Younger & Middle Grade Students  & Older High School or College Students
  1. Hand washing, this might seem like a no brainier, but we can’t assume students have been washing their hands properly. Since good hand washing is important to reducing the transitions of germs; it is important for students to be practicing good hand washing skills. You can share  a video review the first day back to school or broadcast a video on the school video announcements. 

Many students are struggling with anxiety about returning to school, giving students access to video content that may address some of their concerns can help reduce stress and anxiety about to school. 

Need a lesson to help students transition back-to-school? GRAB my Covid 19- Silver-linings Lesson HERE!

Happy Teaching!



Need a lesson to help students transition back-to-school? Check out my SHOP on

Want to learn more about how to make great screencasts for your students? Grab my FREE screencasting guide.

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