
Are Classroom Procedures Still Important in Middle School?

If you have ever spent time in a middle school classroom then you know classroom routines are NOT just for elementary classrooms. They are still important for teachers to have in place in the MIDDLE SCHOOL classroom.

In fact, they can be a real GAME CHANGER when it comes to managing a middle school classroom! Below are 7 reasons for classroom procedures in middle school.

Classroom procedures help student executive functioning skills
Classroom procedures help student executive functioning skills

Why is it important to have learning procedures in place?

Most middle schoolers THRIVE in classes with strong classroom procedures because:

  1. They help reduce student anxiety because they know what is expected of them
  2. They help students develop executive functioning skills
  3. They give students more ownership of their learning process
  4. They help build classroom community
  5. They help manage student behaviors because they allow for less idle time in class
  6. They set the TONE for student productivity
  7. They save valuable learning time

So what is the difference between classroom rules and classroom procedures?

Knowing the difference between RULES vs. PROCEDURES can be confusing for middle school students. Class or school RULES refer to how a student should conduct themselves while in class or at school.  Whereas, classroom PROCEDURES refer to the routines teachers put in place for students to follow to make sure the student LEARNING PROCESS and class environment runs smoothly.

Making sure students know the difference between the TWO and how they apply to the learning environment is an important step in establish your CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT!

Reducing Off-Task Behaviors

Although classroom rules directly address students desired behavior. Classroom procedures address possible off-task and disruptive behaviors. If you ask a student who is off-task in class why they are doing so, often they will answer because they don’t understand what they are doing or they do not know what to do next. This type of off-task behavior, which can lead to disruptions in classroom learning, can be easily remedied with clear and detailed routines.

classroom procedures can help reduce student anxiety

Reducing Student Anxiety Through Routine

Students with anxiety often deal with a “fear of the unknown” or not feeling in control of their environment. Students with anxiety thrive on routine, classroom routines can help reduce student anxiety because students know what is expected of them through clear classroom expectations.

Can You Have More Than One Set of Procedures in Class?

Absolutely! Teachers should have a few sets of procedures in their classroom:

1.You can have procedures of how students should come into the classroom and start class

2. How to manage questions for the teacher

3. How students sign-out materials for class, how to manage technology in the classroom,

4. How students work on projects or labs in class,

5. How students participate in group or class discussions

6. How students clean-up or wrap-up class. 

Three Before You See Me: Class Posters

How to Communicate Expectations?

This is where many well-intending teachers can fall short. As teachers we may ASSUME verbally expressing classroom procedures a few times at the beginning of the school year will be ENOUGH.  “They’re young adults they should be able to remember a few procedures, right?” The average student can interact with 8 to 10 teachers a day, that is a lot of classroom procedures to remember!

Classroom Tech Procedures Preview
Tech Procedures: Student posters, bulletin Cut-Outs, Student hand-out, & PowerPoint presentation

6 ways for students to REMEMBER your classroom procedures!

  1. Review class procedures with a slide show or another visual format with students
  2. Provide students with a printed or digital copy of your classroom procedures
  3. Post your classroom procedures somewhere visible in your classroom
  4. Briefly review procedures when students return from holiday breaks
  5. When new students join class review classroom procedures with the class
  6. Make a screencast of your classroom procedure slide show and post it on your class Learning Management Platform (LMS) for students to review when needed.

Classroom Procedures Help Students by…

In conclusion, most middle schoolers THRIVE in classes with strong classroom procedures because, classroom procedures can help reduce student anxiety, develop student executive functioning skills, gives students more ownership of their learning process, builds classroom community, manages student behaviors, and sets the TONE for student productivity.

How Class Procedures Help Teachers

Classroom procedures don’t just benefit students, a class with clear and effective classroom routines can save your sanity as a teacher! Procedures can save you valuable teaching and learning time. Routines can also help reduce and automate communication and tasks in your classroom.

This can help free up class time for you to teach and support students on a group or one-on-one basis. Here are a few to consider:

  1. Have a routines for how students enter the classroom and get out their class materials
  2. Have a daily warm up activity for student to engage with as soon as they enter the room
  3. Have a procedure for how students ask questions, this could be by raising their hand or having a hand gesture for questions.
  4. Have a procedure for what students should do when they finish work early, such as reading or working on homework, extra credit, or a review game on their digital device.
  5. Have a routines for how students turn in work to be grades
  6. Have a protocol on how students ask for a restroom or emotional break. This could be a hand gesture or a sign-out procedure.
  7. Have a protocol for how students leave class, such as an exit ticket

Happy Teaching!


Quick-Start Guide to Screen-casting
Quick-Start Guide to Screencasting

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