7 Time-Saving Tips for Classroom Setup

7 Time-Saving Tips for Remotely Setting Up Your Classroom

It is mid-summer and you are on the BEACH or sitting by the POOL enjoying your time with friends and family and then the inevitable happens…you start thinking about your CLASSROOM SET UP! Has this happened to YOU?

Even worse…are you like me…and you have gone into school early to start setting up or rearranging your room? I GET IT!   Because you know, an organized, inviting, functional classroom setup can be HUGE when it comes to classroom management!

Even if you are not like me and have spent several precious summer days working to set up your classroom  (for FREE!)…your thoughts are probably turning to getting your classroom going for the new school year.

But let me share a SECRET with you…you DON’T need to spend your summer at school to start planning out your classroom.

7 Ways to Use Your Smartphone for Remote Setup

Here are SEVEN ways I use my smartphone to plan my classroom POOLSIDE!

(Okay, this may require one trip to your room or even better ask a friend or admin who is in your building this summer to help you with this remotely!)

Take Pictures of Your Room to Plan Remotely

  1. Take pictures of your room! (especially if you are moving rooms) Take pictures of where the OUTLETS are, windows, bulletin boards, and reading area…this will help you visualize your classroom when planning.

Helpful Apps to Setup Your Classroom

  1. To help set up your classroom, use a MEASUREMENT APP like “Tape Measure” to measure your room’s dimensions, bookshelves, windows, bulletin boards, and desks to plan to add your class layout or how to add new furniture or features to your room.

Finding Your Classroom Setup Color Palette

  1. Use Canva’s Color Palette Generator to upload a picture of your classroom and it will tell you the color palette of your room! This is super simple & AMAZING to have a color palette when shopping for items that will go with your classroom decor or vibe!

Create A Wish List for Classroom Setup

  1. Before you start dropping your hard-earned cash on room decor, make an Amazon Wish List for items you would like for your room or instruction and post it on your school site or share it on social media and get support from your family, friends, and community members…there are a lot of people out there that want to support teachers!

Use Online Resources to Save Time

  1. Shop Teacher Pay Teacher for downloadable classroom decor. A lot of TPT shops have FREE or inexpensive classroom decor sets that can save you a TON of TIME when it comes to organizing, labeling, and decorating your classroom. 

Want to learn a little more about how to use and navigate Teacher Pay Teacher? Check out my TPT recommendation video HERE!

Shop Online

  1. Check out Facebook MarketPlace or the Let It Go App for second-hand items and furniture for your classroom.  

7. Shop online with Target’s Teacher Discount. Here is a little more about the sale. It is a one-time 15% off for teachers from July 17th- Sept 1st.

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