The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Movie Viewing ELA Activities


Looking for a way to engage and inspire your middle school students while practicing your ELA skills while watching Secret Life of Walter Mitty ?
Then this resource is perfect for you. Your students will interact with pre viewing activities: such as predication, theme, and word study activities. Along with During & after viewing activities like character studies, comprehension questions, creative social media templates, and a writing activity


The film the Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) directed & starred in by Ben Stiller, is an adaption of James Thurber’s 1939 short story.  The film is about Walter Mitty, an employee of the exotic travel magazine, Life.  Ironically Walter’s own life is far from exciting, he is stuck in a dutiful and boring existence and loses himself in daydreams where he is the bold and brave hero of his dreams. Then something goes wrong at work that sends Walter on the adventure of a lifetime.

This ELA movie guide resource for the film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013). contains 20 pages of activities, comprehension questions, graphic organizers & an essay with rubric.

Part A: Before Viewing anticipatory activities

  1. Prediction word cloud activity
  2. Movie Theme based agree and disagree statements
  3. Vocabulary Frayer model word study activity of the word: “transformation”

Part B:  During Viewing activities

  1. Venn Diagram comparing Dream Walter to Real Walter
  2. Characterization chart Walter at the beginning of the movie
  3. Characterization chart Walter at the end of the movie
  4. Hero’s Journey helpers graphic organizer
  5. Movie comprehension questions &  ANSWER KEY

Part C:  After Viewing activities

  1. Social media  template
  2. Life magazine cover- Student drawing
  3. Essay  Graphic Organizers # 1
  4. Essay  Graphic Organizers # 2
  5. Dynamic Character Essay 
  6. Rubric for Essay
  • Bonus: Printable movie packet cover page

**If you need a copy of the film you can rent or purchase the film on Amazon


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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Movie Viewing ELA Activities
