Terrible Things Eve Bunting Allegory of the Holocaust Short Story Guide


Terrible Things Story Guide: an Allegory for the Holocaust by Eve Bunting. In the story “Terrible Things” the animals of the forest do not stand up for each other when Terrible shadows enter the forest and start to take away animals in groups.

Eve Bunting wrote the “Terrible Things” allegory using forest animals to represent the German people and others who remained bystanders while different groups of people, included Jewish people, were targeted and killed by the Nazi Party.

This is a powerful story that can aid in students understanding of how something as tragic as the Holocaust can occurs when we do not stand up for each other in the face of evil.

Items included are in this 19 page resource guide:

  1. 2 Word Cloud choices
  2. Pre-Reading Agree & Disagree Statements
  3. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Allegory
  4. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Apathy
  5. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Bystander
  6. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Empathy
  7. Characterization graphic organizer
  8. Characters Reactions
  9. A Plot Structure Diagram to help students identify important parts of the storyline.
  10. Printable Comprehension Questions Quiz and Answer Key
  11. *Digital Google Forms Questions Quiz and Auto Grading Answer Key
  12. Character Social media template
  13. Post-Reading Agree & Disagree Statements
  14. What is Bullying Graphic Organizer
  15. Circle of Control Graphic Organizer

If you need a copy of “Terrible Things” by Eve Bunting, you can grab a copy of the book here on Amazon.


Terrible Things Story Guide: an Allegory for the Holocaust by Eve Bunting. In the story “Terrible Things” the animals of the forest do not stand up for each other when Terrible shadows enter the forest and start to take away animals in groups.

Eve Bunting wrote the “Terrible Things” allegory using forest animals to represent the German people and others who remained bystanders while different groups of people, included Jewish people, were targeted and killed by the Nazi Party.

This is a powerful story that can aid in students understanding of how something as tragic as the Holocaust can occurs when we do not stand up for each other in the face of evil.

Items included are in this 19 page resource guide:

  1. 2 Word Cloud choices
  2. Pre-Reading Agree & Disagree Statements
  3. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Allegory
  4. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Apathy
  5. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Bystander
  6. Vocab Graphic Organizer: Empathy
  7. Characterization graphic organizer
  8. Characters Reactions
  9. A Plot Structure Diagram to help students identify important parts of the storyline.
  10. Printable Comprehension Questions Quiz and Answer Key
  11. *Digital Google Forms Questions Quiz and Auto Grading Answer Key
  12. Character Social media template
  13. Post-Reading Agree & Disagree Statements
  14. What is Bullying Graphic Organizer
  15. Circle of Control Graphic Organizer

If you need a copy of “Terrible Things” by Eve Bunting, you can grab a copy of the book here on Amazon.


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Terrible Things Allegory Printable Lesson Activities

Terrible Things Eve Bunting Allegory of the Holocaust Short Story Guide
