Google Slides Student Awards Certificates for Distance Learning


Digital Award Certificates on Google Slides is a great way to celebrate your virtual and hybrid students’ achievements while distance learning. These awards can be emailed or posted and used at the end-of-the-quarter or end-of-the-year. The awards are editable and reusable!


Digital Award Certificates on Google Slides is a great way to celebrate your virtual and hybrid students’ achievements while distance learning. These awards can be emailed or posted and used at the end-of-the-quarter or end-of-the-year. The awards are editable and reusable!
16 Google Slides with 10 Different Distance Award Certificates Topics:
  • Editable (Blank)
  • Student of the Week
  • Student of the Quarter
  • Student Participation (2 styles)
  • Student Writing Award
  • Student Math Award (2 styles)
  • Student Book Report Award (2 styles)
  • Student Work Completion Award
  • Student Most Improved Award
  • Student Science Award
PLUS VIDEO TUTORIAL INCLUDED: Tutorial will show you how to best use the Google product, how to save, and how to send it to students.
GOOGLE RESOURCE PRO TIP: Once you have purchased the Google product you will be asked to “make a copy” click the button to make a copy it should then show up in your Google Drive. TIP: Label the copy MASTER COPY & then make a 2nd copy for your students. This way they do not write on your original.


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Google Slides Student Awards Certificates for Distance Learning
