A Wonderful Life (1946) Movie Guide Activities


It’s a Wonderful Life (PG – 1946) Movie Guide & Activities Resource aligns perfectly with the viewing of the classic Christmas film in your ELA/English classroom. Your students will LOVE following the main character George Bailey through his struggles with his ideals for a perfect life vs. the “crummy” life that he is leading. Through a series of events, George changes his perspective and realized that he REALLY DOES have a WONDERFUL LIFE, after all!

This movie is an inspiring look at how we all make an impact in life and our good deeds affect our family, friends, and community to make a better life for everyone!

In this resource students using this resource will engage in the pre-reading word cloud, agreement statements, comprehension questions, character development, plot structure, character dialogue, compare and contrast, quotes, and a dynamic character essay. 


It’s a Wonderful Life (PG – 1946) Movie Guide & Activities Resource aligns perfectly with the viewing of the classic Christmas film in your ELA/English classroom. Your students will LOVE following the main character George Bailey through his struggles with his ideals for a perfect life vs. the “crummy” life that he is leading. Through a series of events, George changes his perspective and realized that he REALLY DOES have a WONDERFUL LIFE, after all!

This movie is an inspiring look at how we all make an impact in life and our good deeds affect our family, friends, and community to make a better life for everyone!

In this resource students using this resource will engage in the pre-reading word cloud, agreement statements, comprehension questions, character development, plot structure, character dialogue, compare and contrast, quotes, and a dynamic character essay. 

This 24-page resource included: (film, script, & other links included)

  1. Pre-Reading Word Cloud to make predictions about movie
  2. KWL Chart for It’s a Wonderful Life: a possible link
  3. Pre-Reading Agree & Disagree Statements (to get students talking about themes from the movie)
  4. Movie Comprehension Questions and Answer Key
  5. Characterization of George Bailey graphic organizer
  6. Characterization of Clarence the Angel graphic organizer
  7. A plot structure diagram to help students identify important parts of the storyline.
  8. Venn Diagram: Compare and contrast Bedford Falls with and without George
  9. Character text chat activity
  10. Instagram template: What events would George document (understanding the plot)
  11. Instagram template: What events would Clarence document  (understanding the plot)
  12. Internal & External Conflict Graphic Organizer
  13. George Bailey as s a dynamic character graphic organizer
  14. George Bailey as a dynamic character essay template
  15. George Bailey as a dynamic character essay rubric
  16. George Bailey as Word Search and Answer key
  17. George Bailey Kindness Bingo Card


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A Wonderful Life (1946) Movie Guide Activities
